Friday, July 4, 2008

Ada95 Lovelace Tutorial

Ada95 Lovelace Tutorial

Welcome to the Ada95 Lovelace tutorial! This tutorial will explain the basics of the Ada computer programming language. This tutorial assumes that you have had some exposure to some other algorithmic programming language (such as Pascal, C, C++, or Fortran).

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LAW :: Learn Ada on the Web

LAW :: Learn Ada on the Web

An introduction to

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Quick Ada

Quick Ada

In 1974 the US Department of Defence (DoD) realised that it was spending too much time, effort and money developing and maintaining embedded computer systems (systems stuck in hardware e.g. missile guidance systems).

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The Big Online Book of Linux Ada Programming

The Big Online Book of Linux Ada Programming

[Rewrite & Expand] Ada 95 is arguably the most powerful development language available for Linux with features comparable to Java and execution speeds similar to and sometimes exceeding C. gnat the main [perhaps only'check at HBAP?--KB] Ada 95 compiler for Linux is also absolutely free.

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OOP in Ada

OOP in Ada

In converting this chapter on classes to HTML from the original Microsoft Word file, much of the original layout has been lost and thus this document can only hint at the true format of the original.

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Ada 95 Rationale

Ada 95 Rationale

The Ada 95 Rationale describes the overall scope and objectives of Ada 95 and its main technical features. Read part I before you attempt to read the Ada 95 Reference Manual. Parts II and III should be read in conjunction with the Ada 95 Reference Manual.

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Ada Grammar and Parsing

Ada Grammar and Parsing

The Ada 9X design team has written, and used, a YACC-compatible grammar for Ada 9X [@AdaIC]. (It should be accurate as of May 4, 1994.) If you find any problems with this grammar, please send email to Tucker Taft

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Ada Quality and Style Guide

Ada Quality and Style Guide

Ada Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers" (AQS) intended for Ada 83 programmers, was published by the Software Productivity Consortium (Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN 0-442-23805-3), and has been revised for Ada 95 (new version released in October 1995).

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Using GNAT Dlls From C

Using GNAT Dlls From C

Yes, AdaPower (then called the Ada Source Code Treasury) - was born on Nov 7, 1998 at 8:30pm and is now turning 6 years old. New design, new content, AdaPower, the oldy and still goody for Ada!

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Online Ada Papers

Online Ada Papers

The online Ada papers contained here are either included thanks to contributing authors or are external references. The goal is to ensure timely dissemination --without commercial design-- of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders

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Lovelace assumes that the user already knows some other algorithmic programming language (such as C, C++, or Pascal). Lovelace is interactive; it contains a number of short sections, and most short sections end with a question (to help ensure that you've understood the section's material).

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Ada 95 Reference Manual

Ada 95 Reference Manual

This is KSCE's hypertext version of the Ada 95 Reference Manual (Language and Standard Libraries), revised international standard (ISO/IEC 8652:1995): Information Technology -- Programming Languages -- Ada. The entry point is the table of contents (TOC), with three "zoom levels". Current TOC level: sections

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